Bring Your Team Group Discounts | SupportWorld Live

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Bring Your Team and Save!

Many of us now work remotely (or have teammates that do) and have missed the face-to-face camaraderie that exists when we're all in the same place at the same time. Reunite the team and enjoy teambuilding, while dividing and conquering our vast conference program to maximize learning.

Special Offer: Bring 3 or more team members and get a discount.

  • Save $200 on Standard Passes
  • Save $300 on Premium Passes

Discount applies to each pass in your group.

Group discounts will be automatically applied during the registration process, and are valid for Premium and Standard conference pass types only. All registrations must be submitted at the same time to receive the above discounting and benefits. Group discounts and promo/discount codes cannot be combined. The event organizers reserve the right to determine eligibility for any promotional/group offers.

Please note only the email addresses of those who will be attending can be used to register.